Google AdSense Drives Income
Love to write? Want to make money doing it? Try Google AdSense to bolster your bottom line. It's almost money for nothing.
Google AdSense provides revenue-sharing to
all size websites who place ads for goods and services. These ads are relevant to the content on the site, and targeted at the site's users. A small amount is paid to the site owner when the ad is clicked on.
Google's main source of revenue is earned by allowing advertising on their search result pages. This source is called AdWords, which is a pay-per-click marketing form. These ads, called Sponsored Results, are above the list of organic results, and on the right margin of the page. Advertisers with AdWords pay per click in this system, which is based on auctions for which the highest bidder with the highest quality ad gets the first spot.
The very same AdWords can be displayed on an independent website by the program, AdWords. The owner gets approximately 68% of the click, with Google receiving the remainder.
How does AdSense Work?
Simply put, the website owner displays the ads and gets paid when people click the ad (and sometimes view it).
How Much Can You Earn with AdSense?
The per-click commission is dependent on how much the advertiser rate is for the particular ad. These earnings range from 2 cents to $15 per click, with the majority being under $1. Google does not disclose a range or estimate because of the organic nature of the structure.
This being said, some topics do pay more. Highly competitive keywords such as: make money, sex, etc. can earn more per click because of the high search count. The more competitive the keyword results are the more advertisers will pay.
Google does not reveal how much the owner receives for each ad, but the overall total earned can be viewed at any time. You can do the math to get a per-click average for a set time period.
How to make Money with AdSense
First you will need to make an AdSense account. Then associate this account with your Custom Search Engine Account. Follow this process:
Go to AdSense and sign in.
Click on My Ads in the upper left corner.
Create a new Ad unit: Go to Content>Ad Units, and click the + New Ad Unit button.
Name the ad unit. Standard formatting is best for managing data.
Pick a size.
Set the ad type.
Create a Custom channel. This allows ad grouping and location on the page.
Create the ad style. Best practice is to make it go with your website.
Click the Save and Get Code button to receive the HTML code for your site.
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