Tips to Earn Money From Google AdSense
Understanding Google AdSense is the first step to generating lots of money from the internet. Google AdSense is currently one of the largest marketing programs currently available on the internet, and has helped millions of internet marketers who know how to play it smart to earn some good amounts of money. While it helps some make millions
, Google AdSense also helps individuals running small scale marketing programs earn their first checks much quicker than what their average affiliate marketing campaign pays. So what is Google AdSense?
Google AdSense: What is it?
The program was designed and is run by Google, one of the behemoths of the tech industry. It is the prime gateway to generating advertising revenue through your website. The concept is simple; Google delivers relevant textual and image ads that are tailored to the content on your website. You can also opt to place a Search Bar in to your website, which will display relevant search ads whenever an individual visitor runs a search through your website. For all valid (human) clicks that are made on to these ads, Google will generate a small amount of payment for you. Hence, the more traffic that you have on your website, the more clicks can be generated. Ultimately, this results in a greater amount of earning.
Now, Google has also introduced the Google AdSense Referrals feature. The Referrals feature allows website owners to generate additional money simply by placing buttons of Google's Referrals on to their web site. The concept is quite simple, and has helped many people get their online businesses up and running.
Tips to earn money
Currently, Google only allows you to place up to three ad units of a standard size on to your web page. Most people don't take advantage of this, keeping their ad units at one or two. If you want to generate money from Google AdSense, it would be a wise idea to max out these ad units.
The next step is to max out the link units available. By simply placing up to three of these link units on a web page, you could end up generating a significant amount of boost for your site. Place these link units on each page!
Allow placement targeting on your website. Placement targeting simply allows website owners to include your website in their campaigns, using either the name or focusing towards an interested group. If you want to make good money, make sure you leave placement targeting enabled by default.
Allow text and images. This goes without saying, but if you want to make a good amount of money from Google AdSense, allowing textual content and images is important. It will also help in bringing a significant increase in your earnings and click rates.
Relative positioning is important- Make sure that you pay attention to the relative position of the ads. The relative position of an ad is more important than its overall location on the page, so make sure you check where the ad is placed.
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